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White Paper on Sanctions 50% Rule: Comparative Analysis of Practical Aspects

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Compliance with sanction regulations is a challenging requirement, as it presupposes not just checking the persons and entities against official sanction lists published by authorities such as OFAC, OFSI, SECO, EU, etc, but also following closely the guidelines of the “50% Rule” set out by these institutions.

Nowadays, sanction compliance cannot rely merely on human analysis, but is in need of quality automated screening technologies, which are well-equipped with not only up-to-date data on official sanctions lists, but also do the automatic calculations on the corresponding rules regarding sanction associated entities and persons. A combination of human analysis and machine-generated data can help organizations avoid the risk of heavy fines and fees associated with sanction compliance.

This paper is focused on the analysis of the various scenarios that fall under the “50% rule” appearing in OFAC’s, OSFI's and EU’s regulations. It also provides a few practical examples from automated data generated by Polixis’ sanction data that runs its three main solutions - ARDIS, PEP&REP, and CheckMate. In the end, we describe these solutions in brief.


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